On April 16th, ten years ago, I was driven to Emory University Hospital before sunrise by my husband, as my father rode along with us for support. Trying to imagine what was going through my father's mind as he had lost his first wife, my mother, to breast cancer at the age of 44 back in 1989 on a Friday evening. In 2013, he found himself praying with me, his grown daughter (same age of 44), as we made our way down the expressway. We listened to praise music and did our best to keep each other uplifted. We were all concerned about the unknown. My husband was only seven, when he lost his 12-year-old sister, Terry, to cancer - also on a Friday. I remember how the loss of his sister and my mother came up in conversation on our very first date. We felt God's presence and peace carry us through so many difficulties leading up to this hospital stay, during and afterwards. Sidenote, my father's second wife, who had come up with my father to help our family, had emergency surgery a week after my surgery. My father was out of state with both his wife and daughter in different hospitals (40 minutes apart), and most everyone felt overwhelmed . . . but God - He carried us all. Click on this link My God Is Awesome - humble & BOLD (humbleandbold.com) to read about some of the amazing ways God let us know He was with us during the long diagnosis, surgery and recovery. While recovering, there was an article in my hometown paper, The Birmingham News, about the very procedure I had undergone. What I didn't know was that the survival rates weren't as long as I had thought. The article revealed that after having the Sugarbaker Procedure, there was a possible five years of expectancy (for only 50% of patients), which was up from a survival rate of only one year with conventional therapies. Click her to learn more The Sugarbaker Procedure - Laura, You Were Right! - humble & BOLD (humbleandbold.com) Worry and anxiety tried to hijack the following years, but I learned to cast my cares on Him with thanksgiving for all He has done. The timeframe surrounding my appendiceal cancer surgery seems more like the time God gave me a heart makeover. So many life-changing lessons were learned during that time. Worry and anxiety tried to hijack the following years, but I learned to cast my cares on Him with thanksgiving for all He has done. Ten years later, on Sunday, April 16, 2023, my husband, Scott, was asked to give the message for our church service, and I was so happy to be here to support him. He is passionate about evangelism, because he's so thankful for the new life God has given him. With these 10 precious years, God has graciously given me, I have been here to see my oldest graduate from elementary, middle and high school and be able to plan his college graduation celebration. I'm so thankful to have been here for my youngest son and see him adjust well to middle school and learn to sing and play the viola. For all the children God has brought into our lives, our family, neighbors and friends. Thankful that my father and second mom have had 10 precious years together as well. Out of a refining fire, God has given me a new appreciation for Him, His gift of life, salvation and leading by the Holy Spirit. It's not about us, but HIM! Ending this post with a page from the April 16th reading of The One Year Bible (NIV). There are so many things that stand out to me on this page. The lesson to not give up, to cry to the Lord for justice, and humbling oneself speaks volumes to my spirit. Would love to know what jumps off the page at you. With love, Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here How to connect. Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-myers-a44355
The day after the tragedy at The Covenant School in Nashville, I visited their website while mourning. This school seemed so similar to the Christian Presbyterian school where I worked for many years as a supervisor of ministry childcare. Per yearly training, I instructed our team, thanks to the due diligence of our director, on emergency procedures in the event of an active shooter. As someone who grew up attending a Christian Presbyterian school (first grade thru twelfth), I never dreamed of one day training a team for these types of events. It was . . . unthinkable. When I came across the post, Whatever by Dr. Katherine Koonce, my heavy heart was comforted. Dr. Koonce was Head of Covenant School until she suddenly crossed over into the presence of our Lord on March 27, 2023. Reading her post greatly encouraged and reminded me of the Biblical meaning and context for the word, whatever, and how we should actively apply it to our lives. While some may choose to be active shooters, may we choose to be active pursuers of whatever. Click on Whatever | The Covenant School so you can read her post, dated April 30th, which appears to be written during the challenges of 2020. After reading, I shared a link to Dr. Koonce's post on my Facebook page. Her decision to be an active pursuer of the word, whatever, touched so many people (with 1.3K shares) and continues to be spread throughout and read. Her post, that came from spending time with the Lord, reminds me of Isaiah 55:11 (NLT) - It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. While some may choose to be active shooters, may we choose to be active pursuers of whatever. With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here How to connect. Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-myers-a44355 |
About ChristinaChristina is an There are some links on my humble & BOLD site that are affiliate links, which means I receive a small compensation if you purchase the product or service. The compensation will in no way influence the content, posts or topics made on this blog. I only link to products that are highly rated and that I feel would be of benefit to my readers.
August 2024