From our friends at Red Rose Tea via their Instagram page at @redroseteaus . . Happy Memorial Day! We are humbled and thankful for our freedoms and those who fought to ensure them. We partnered with our friends @humbleandbold for a Memorial Day Photo Giveaway! Pictures with the most likes will receive a hardcover copy of The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake (based on a true story, during WWII and printed in America) with a box of Red Rose Strawberry Cheesecake Herbal Tea and a $25 Red Rose e-gift card. Photo contest will run through June 6, 2021. HOW TO ENTER
With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn
Thankful to Publishers Weekly for gifting us with a half page ad of The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake in this week's edition, due to a very unusual circumstance. Scroll down below and I will share what happened. Here's a pic from the online version. Back in October, we were contacted by a Publishers Weekly associate who offered us a special rate to advertise in their highly respected online and printed magazine. We wanted to reach librarians and educators, so felt it would be a good investment and on October 20, 2020, we paid for a 1/3 page ad to go in one of the December issues. The gentleman, will call him Markus Abner (not his real name), emailed the below proof and this message . . . I’m actually going to get you in a better issue along with everybody else in January that’s a much better feature then right before Christmas. I’ll call you this week. We were really impressed with the proof he sent us, but it didn't appear in the January issue. Several emails were received with reasons why it needed to be pushed back to March and then no response at all. After the events of this year, wasn't sure if Markus had fallen ill. However, I knew something wasn't right and prayed that God would help everyone involved in the situation and to hear back from someone at Publishers Weekly before having to send them an email with concerns about Mr. Abner. That morning I received an email from the assistant of the CEO of PW. She apologized and asked if I could send her my email correspondence with Markus. It sounded like Markus was no longer with PW. Thankfully, Markus was well, but sadly, had made the decision to take the payments to PW and place them in his own account, ghosting PW and the authors he sold advertisements to. Because of the amount of time that had transpired since original payment, our credit card company, Bank of America, would not further investigate. Not happy about their decision, but really impressed with the CEO of Publishers Weekly who called us personally and emailed us himself to make sure we were taken care of. He said he greatly cared for his company, its reputation and the authors they serve. He could have just honored the original ad agreement, but instead, thanked me for my patience and wanted to give us a 1/2 page ad with another, larger design at no cost. Wow! Thanking the Lord and this thoughtful CEO! To Markus Abner, I forgive you and wish you peace. Read Matthew 18:21-35 to find out why. Also, we were given permission to use the original ad for our bookmarkers, and so what was meant for evil, God turned around for good (read Genesis 50:20). With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn Do you feel called to write but aren't sure how to get started? Dr. Valerie Harrison, from, and I will hold free classes on Wednesday evenings this May to encourage and help you reach your goals. These classes will be held from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Free Chapel Gwinnett. Please click on link for directions and note this class is at the Gwinnett campus only. When you arrive, enter side door, go up stairs to the left and take another left to large back room by the elevators. No registration is necessary, so don't miss this opportunity. Let us help you get motivated to write! With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn April is School Library Month and there are two other days that relate as well. For instance, April 13th was National Library Workers' Day and the 14th was School Librarians' Day. To celebrate, we ran a free ebook promotion in honor of my favorite school librarian, Ms. Razek, from Briarwood Christian School. That special ran from 4/12, Monday morning, through 4/14, Wednesday evening, and we were pleasantly surprised and excited to see how many people took advantage of this promotion (screenshots below), as The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake ranked very high in four different categories on Amazon's Top 100 Free list . . . #1 in Children's Maturing Books #2 in Children's Multigenerational Families #3 in Children's Diet & Nutrition Books #4 in Children's New Family Experiences In Amazon's Top 100 Free, The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake ranked . . . #1 in Children's Maturing Books #2 in Children's Multigenerational Families #3 in Children's Diet & Nutrition Books #4 in Children's New Family Experiences Please help us spread the word with any of your favorite librarians, media specialists, and librarian worker friends, as we hope to get this book into libraries for all children to enjoy! Special thanks again to Ms. Razek and Briarwood Christian School for creating such a fun and cozy environment to discover a love of reading. With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn Signed copies of The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake will be available during the Spring Open House at Antiques In Old Town in Lilburn, Georgia, this Saturday! They have and amazing event space in the back of their historic building, so if you're in the area, stop by and check them out! Just another shout out of thanks to Daddy O' Brien's Irish Ice Cream Pub in Sugar Hill, Georgia for their amazing hospitality! We had a wonderful turnout and lots of happy customers! With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn
Most people don't know the interesting history of St. Patrick and why he returned to Ireland after escaping? Where did his love for the people of Ireland come from and what did he share with them about the three leaf clover? After watching this, you'll come away with a different perspective of St. Patrick's Day and three and four leaf clovers.
Also, so thankful to my blogger friend, Sandra Black, for sharing this video snippet of her reading my book, The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake, to her grandchildren in her beautiful Irish accent. You can check out her blog at
Happy out!
With love, Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn Excited to announce another book signing event! This time we will be at Daddy O' Brien's Irish Ice Cream Pub this Friday in Sugar Hill, Georgia. We've really enjoyed partnering with local bookstores and unique restaurants in sharing this sweet story with the community. Daddy O' Brien's has so many wonderful flavors to choose from, but for the book signing of The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake, they have crafted an awesome Cherry Cheesecake Ice Cream (with gourmet and infused versions) and added it to their menu. * Not shown in pic below, because we're saving that for you! But I did try a sample, and it is delicious! School’s out for some this Friday, but if not, come after classes are done! Visit Daddy O'Brien's Irish Ice Cream Pub tomorrow afternoon and make some sweet memories! With love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn One of the cuties in this photo is a picky eater and the other is not. Can you guess which one is which? If you have Kindle Unlimited, check out The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake and send a Kindle ebook to the picky eater you love! ![]() With love, Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn Last Friday, my mother would have turned 76. I’ve been without her for thirty-one years, but she got me off to such a great start in life, and for that, I am beyond thankful. One of my sweetest memories of her is reading these picture books to me at night. Over the years, it's been a joy reading these books to my boys, the grandsons that only know her through my stories. Sharing these special memories of her with my children help bridge the gap. And now, I have a book out that will be a part of that special bonding between a parent and their child. It's exciting to see how far a book can travel and how many families it can reach, and it boggles my mind to think all this started because of the special time she carved out with me. (P.S. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can check out The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake for free.) National Children's Book Week starts Monday, the 9th of November, so make some #preciousmemories with your children, #teachthemwell and watch your investment grow. #NationalChildrensBookWeek In the bottom right corner, you will see a verse that my mother's wrote out. She held on to many of these verses during her battle with breast cancer, and I hold on to them now and use them as book marks, as precious reminders of how to get through difficult times. He does not fear bad news, nor live in dread of what may happen. For he is settled in his mind that Jehovah will take care of him. Psalm 112:7 (The Living Bible)
Thanks for stopping by! Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn Back in October of 2001, I attended my very first Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrator's conference in Birmingham, Alabama. At that time, I was a newlywed living in Atlanta, and everyone was still reeling from the shock of 911, grieving the loss of our fellow countrymen and concerned for those dealing with the tedious aftermath and recovery process. At the conference, I had the privilege of listening to Jane Kurtz, one of the distinguished speakers. Jane, a highly acclaimed author of children's books, spoke about how life's challenges are often the source for our storytelling. The Golden Kite Award Book, River Friendly River Wild, published by Simon & Schuster, was a great example of how something beautiful and inspirational can come out of a traumatic event. River Friendly River Wild was based off of Jane's real life experience during the Red River flood of 1997. With all that was going on with 911, I found the timing of her story to be a source of comfort. Jane was inspiring with her transparency, and she invested in me with her encouraging words. She had no way of knowing that I was nervous and felt out of place. Nor did she know that I had just heard another speaker talk of how it took most writers about seven years to get their fist book published, so I was a little overwhelmed. At the time, I had a manuscript for a picture book to help children deal with the death of a loved one. That idea came to me after several sit down talks with my little brother about the loss of our mother to breast cancer in 1989. I could relate to what Jane was saying about using grief and loss in the writing process to help others. Below, she signed the following to me. In the fall of 2020, after finally having my first children's book published after all these years, I came across her encouraging words once again, and the timing was perfect. Publishing a book during a global pandemic is in no way ideal, but there is always hope to hang on to and things to learn. Challenges, I believe, are meant to grow us and help us encourage others. I want to thank Jane for the encouragement she gave me all those years ago, and I hope to encourage others in the same way. So make some investments today with your words. You never know when they might come back to encourage you! Here is the link to River Friendly River Wild by Jane Kurtz. Here is the link to The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake. Thanks for stopping by! Christina
Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Thanks for stopping by! Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold LinkedIn |
About ChristinaChristina is an ![]() There are some links on my humble & BOLD site that are affiliate links, which means I receive a small compensation if you purchase the product or service. The compensation will in no way influence the content, posts or topics made on this blog. I only link to products that are highly rated and that I feel would be of benefit to my readers.
August 2024