Sharing three poignant paragraphs from my girlfriend, Dawn. She writes . . . There is so much brokenness in the world. Some don’t even know how broken they are … she gives her body away for male affection that she craves and hopes it will fill the emptiness, even temporarily. He settles for a girl that doesn’t respect him because the fear of loneliness is too great. She struggles with deep insecurities because she’s never known true unconditional love from parents that should have been the first to show it. He only wants to feel accepted so he changes how he acts around each new person like a wave tossed in the ocean only to never be accepted for who he really is. All of it … every bit of brokenness in this world … boils down to one thing. Not knowing one’s true worth. We were created by an Awesome Creator. The same Creator that put the stars in the sky, made each unique creature and plant that works together in harmony. And He loves us more. We were never created to live a life of brokenness. And there is a cure. Jesus. Seriously. I’m not talking about a religion. He is real. He is God. There is no other way to God. There is no other way to be right with God. It’s turning away from sin in our lives and putting our faith in Jesus and living for Him, the real Jesus of the Bible alone. And once we know that we are fiercely loved and valued by an Awesome God, that love fills the space of deep-rooted scars and brokenness. And He heals. He really does. Our minds and hearts and lives change. We learn our perspective was skewed by our pasts and this world. No therapist or drug can heal like Jesus. Everything else that we place our value in, whether our jobs, financial security, significant others or friends, children, sexual conquests, our looks, popularity … all of it will leave us empty and let us down at some point. Being right with God and knowing true peace, joy, and freedom changes everything. We are valuable to God. Priceless, in fact. One of kind. TO GOD. Please don’t miss Him. There’s evidence of Him everywhere. And He wants YOU. The cure to not knowing one's true worth is knowing Christ and one's worth in Him. I would like to thank my dear friend, Dawn, for allowing me to share her beautiful, wise words with you here at humble and bold. Hope this encourages you! With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit - Psalm 34:18 ESV He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds - Psalm 147:3 ESV To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Connect on Instagram at humbleandbold Find me on twitter @humble_bold On Pinterest at humble&BOLD by Christina
It is an honor to share this dear woman's testimony on how God put a dream in her life to lead her to serve others in a land far away. Tammy writes. When I was 12, I had a dream. Unfortunately, that dream must remain a secret because it could jeopardize our work where we live, BUT I can assure you, it was a dream that led to a life purpose which led to life decisions, that led to many life disappointments, and that finally has brought us to where we are today. When I was 12, I had a dream. Even after having that dream where I was called into overseas ministry, I forgot the dream. For years, I never even remembered I had the dream, but when people would say how do you know you are supposed to be an overseas minister, I would tell them it was because I was called in 7th grade, but what I didn't say was that I can't remember how I was called. Fast forward 25 years from that dream, and we were finally headed overseas after what seemed to be an impossible journey to get there. I was preparing a 3 minute speech for a church service, and all of the sudden, my dream came flooding back to my memory. I couldn't believe it! I remembered my moment of calling and not only that, I remembered WHY I had always believed I was called to minister to a particular people. The dream, at that point in our lives, confirmed the country we had chosen to move to and minister. Looking back, God held my calling in my heart, He held my passions and desires and kept me focusing on what He had for me. Even though I had enjoyed my life in America, I always had an element of discontent in my heart. We were seemingly unable to get overseas. But when God's timing was right, He not only opened the doors to us moving overseas, but He had set up relationships during that 18 years that made it all possible, then at that right moment, God brought back the dream to my mind, and it gave us the confirmation we needed to move forward in confidence. I write this blog post as an encouragement to all of you waiting for God's dream for you to be fulfilled. Maybe you are like I was, 25 years in the waiting, or maybe you have just been called and not sure what your future holds. I have often taken encouragement from the story of Joseph (with the coat of many colors) in the Bible. He was in prison for 10 years! Can you imagine how many times the thought must have crossed his mind that he had been forgotten or that the dream God gave him would never come true? The truth is that we all have our own story to walk out with the Lord, and those stories could be entirely different for the both of us, but what remains true for us is that God is in both of our stories. He NEVER forgets His promise to you. The callings of God are irrevocable according to Scripture. He will accomplish all that He has purposed for you, even above all you have hoped and imagined. The key is trust and obedience. I trusted...most of the time, but I was weak too, and I doubted and cried and gave up hope. More than several times, I would lay my calling down. Sometimes I would lay it down in peace, and I would say, “It's okay, Lord, whatever You have for me is good." Sometimes it was in anger with an attitude and I said, “FINE! If I am not good enough for You to use then I won't go. I must be really disappointing to You if you have a family happily saying, 'SEND ME!!!', and you still say no all the while saying in the Bible, the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Really? Because maybe if you would let us go, the workers would not be so few!” Yeah...I am not so proud of that conversation. But it happened. The truth is, a calling never goes away even though I thought it had. We can't divorce who we are. The call remains, patiently waiting for God's timing and our consistent obedience, sometimes over a very, very long time. One January, during a 21 day food fast, my deepest prayer was for God to fulfill His calling in my life. If we had unknowingly missed the mark or made a poor decision in the past that took us off the path prepared for us, I wanted it redeemed. We knew what God had called us to, but it felt as though we had lost our way. Though we were serving God in part time ministry and in our daily lives, we were not serving in the way we were called to serve, full time and overseas. The following December, the fruit of that January fast and prayer was revealed. We had an invitation to work and live in Asia serving the very same people spoken about to me in my dream years before. We are so grateful to God’s redeeming power to either put us back on the right track or just be faithful to His promises from long ago. Whichever it was in our case, we are relieved. God is so good! As you seek God on His purpose for you, remain faithful in your heart to what you know He has called you to. Hold fast to God through the ups and downs, trusting He has a purpose in the wait and in the struggles. Keep your attitude in check towards Him, but know and rest in His faithful forgiveness. His plan is to use you, and He will finish the beautiful work that He has started. Tammy has been married to her husband for 21 years. They share 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys, ages 9-18. Her husband teaches in a local theology school and they serve as dorm parents to 13 high school girls. They have a heart for those who have never heard of Christ's great sacrifice and live to make a difference in those places of Asia. Thank you Tammy for sharing your walk! With Love, Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Acts 16:9 ESV To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold Find me on Instagram humbleandbold
Enjoy transforming the look of regular or frosted glass with this easy do-it-yourself project. The results are amazing!
I bought these vintage Art Deco style lanterns for our 1940's style wedding reception and had them displayed on our mantel. After seventeen years of enjoyment, I noticed the frosted glass had thinned out in spots, probably due to the heat of lit candles, and one had a significant crack. I was almost resolved to sell them at a yard sale and to purchase a pair of tall mercury glass vases filled with light artificial greenery to set off my newly refreshed and painted stone fireplace. However, I didn't have an extra hundred in the decorative budget, so I started thinking how I could repurpose those lanterns which already had a sweet sentimental value into something new. I learned a great deal from this tutorial and started to give this DIY a go!
Supply List
1) Water bottle with equal parts water and vinegar, 2) Krylon Looking Glass spray 3) Tape 4) Protective drop cloth 5) Protective eye wear 6) Gloves 7) Mask 8) Cloth for blotting You can find Krylon Looking Glass spray at Hobby Lobby (use 40% off coupon); the Looking Glass is the one to go with over metallic or chrome sprays, according to advice from friends. I used Scotch tape that I purchased at The Dollar Tree and some left over painter's tape to cover areas that I didn't want painted. Next you will need a sprayer with half vinegar and water. NOTE - Many mercury glass projects spray the Krylon Looking Glass spray on the inside of glass, but for this project, the outside of the glass was the only part sprayed. Also, don't spray inside of glass containers if you are planning to use them as vases with water inside; the water will cause the paint to eventually wash away over time. Now, if you're like me, you might get so excited to start your project that you are tempted to bypass reading the safety instructions, but don't! Make sure you wear safety goggles, gloves, a mask and have exposed skin covered. You will need to do this outside on a day that is not windy.
The picture below shows before and after of how the Mercury Glass DIY project transformed my lanterns. There is such an improvement that I wanted you to see the difference.
Extremely happy with the end result! The pear tree topiaries were gifts from my Grandmother Helen and I used the lanterns as decorative glass planter boxes.
Hope this post inspires you with your Mercury Glass DIY project!
With Love, Christina Stay humble & BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold On Pinterest at humble&BOLD by Christina So simple, so easy! These colorful tea gifts are perfect to have available for customers, coworkers, neighbors and friends. Pick your favorite beverage napkins and tea bags and then simply insert them in CD sleeves, which can be reused later. I get mine from PSI Media Supplies. You can also insert little encouraging notes or business cards. Hope you enjoy designing your own specialized tea gifts! With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8 English Standard Version (ESV) To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold On Pinterest at humble&BOLD by Christina When I was asked to share my testimony, I thought where do I begin? What testimony do I share? Because life has its seasons, each season has its own individual testimonies. However, one thing becomes clear as we examine where we are or where we have been, regardless of the place or time in which we find ourselves, God is there. From early in my childhood, whether kneeling beside my father for morning devotions or at eleven years of age when I gave my heart to Jesus listening to an ex-gang member (turned preacher) sharing his testimony, God was there. I had nothing in common with the preacher, Tom Skinner. I was a child living in a Christian home. He was an ex-gang member having experienced things that I could not even fathom. Yet the Lord's presence was so heavy that I found my shaking little self moving forward to the altar. HE was there. Then somewhere along the timeline of my life I forgot that He is there. There was a lot to accomplish; make-up to try, clothes to love, friends to be made, boys to date, dances to learn, parties to attend. There are words from a song I love that says, "Time measured out my days. Life carried me along." That's exactly what was happening, life was just carrying me along, with me consumed with me. Nonetheless, He who is called "faithful and true" waited patiently until as a young wife alone in my home. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I sat watching pastor Rex Humbard on the TV and suddenly without warning He is there. My cheeks are wet, my heart is broken, He misses me and I didn't even know how much I missed Him. That very day alone in my home I recommitted myself, my life. my all to Jesus. I would soon learn it would cost me something to walk the walk. My marriage came under attack and I was not wise enough to know how to fight the enemy. One thing I did know, my heart was on the Lord's side. He was there with me, but pain prevented my hearing him and his reassurance. I was a child in a battle, feeling ashamed, crying, begging God, feeling sorry for myself and occasionally standing up. Later as a single mother I made mistakes, but soon realized I was most comfortable, secure and strong when I stayed close to the Lord. And He was my greatest comforter, priest, provider, and protector. I leaned hard on HIM and He never failed me. I remember once when I was almost abducted by two men on a lonely street. As I made and effort to escape to the other side of the street a car almost hit me. It was my friend. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “I have no idea, I just got turned around” she said. No she didn’t, He was there. One day at church I was singing the old song, “Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom. Remember me Master!” The next thing I knew I was trying to get up off the floor many rows from where I was originally standing. My young son David standing over me asking “Are you okay mommy?” “Yes”, I answered, “What happened?” He said, “You were singing, looked up and started to dance fifteen rows back and collapsed”. No, I didn’t collapse. No one touched me. No one prayed for me. My precious Lord and Savior came and touched me. He was there!!! I got jobs and promotions that were far above my education. The Lord gave wisdom and direction and a boldness to accomplish all that I had to do. He opened doors and gave me houses. He taught me His Word and allowed me to share it with others.Then He gave me the gift of a husband that was an earthly representation of Christ, the priest of the home, the provider and protector. Together we did ministry and enjoyed marriage the way God intended for it to be enjoyed. On October 20, 2008 my husband suddenly died. After a few moments of losing my mind in the hospital HE showed up, “A very present help in trouble”. I could literally feel the Lord holding me. I was fully experiencing the devastation of the moment and yet at the very same time the supernatural peace of His presence. I remember holding my weeping son Erik and praying at my husband’s bedside; thank you God for the husband and father that he was. Thank you God for his integrity. Thank you God for the years you gave us. Thank you for the provider and protector that he was. Thank you for the love he had for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. HE was very much there! A few weeks later screaming into my pillow in the wee hours of the night hoping to relieve the pain, HE came and spoke. “I know it is difficult and I know you are hurting, but he was not your God.” His words were both comfort and correction. No, he was not my God. You are my God. The God that was there before him, during my time with him and now without him. YOU are here and YOU have always been here and YOU will always be here. I pray this will encourage those who sometimes forget that our Lord is with us always. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Veda, thank you for sharing your walk! ![]() Veda Barrett, author of The Foolish Christian Woman. This book takes a direct and frank look at the foolish behavior of women, and even worse the Christian woman. Whether you are already a wife, a soon to be wife, or just wishing and hoping to be someone’s wife someday you may be guilty of practicing some of these negative behaviors. We’ve all done foolish things. Actions that are often downright stupid! But good news ladies, stupid can be fixed. Proverbs 9:6 says, it like this, “Forsake foolishness and live. Go the way of understanding.” With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 ESV To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold Find me on Instagram humbleandbold
Turns out this project was much easier than I thought it would be. I researched painted stone fireplaces and found some great techniques, two of which I combined. There is thedry paint method and the part water, part paint method. I decided to use the dry paint method with a bowl of water on the side; the combination worked perfect for this project.
I will include supplies needed below and a video to help you, should you decide to take the challenge. If you do get inspired by this post, let me know if you have any questions. So happy I finally did it! It looks much lighter and cleaner.
Supply List
1) Vacuum with attachment hose 2) Vinegar, large scrub brush and bowl of water to rinse 3) Thick drop cloth for mantel and hearth 4) Paint (I used a combination of two cans I already had to get the right blended shade of tan and grey.) 5) Large paint brush 6) Containers with wide top opening for large brush to dip in paint and water 7) Rag to soak up excess water and blot paint 8) Cardboard to brush excess paint off
This hearth of stone makeover reminded me of a heart of stone makeover post I wrote last year. If you check out that link, let me know if it spoke to you. Have a great day and don't be afraid to try new projects!
With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! "And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh," Ezekiel 11:19 ESV To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold On Pinterest at humble&BOLD by Christina Donald Trump has come on the political scene as a confident juggernaut, despite all the adversity against him (half brought on by his own actions), and Hillary continued a presidential campaign while being investigated by the FBI (due to her actions as well). Neither let the opposition get in their way. Both are driven and rarely back down. They almost come across as cartoon characters serving up entertainment for Americans who can't seem to get enough, but all say they've had enough, myself included. The line has been drawn in the sand and now voters must make a critical decision. Is it Captain Make America Great Again or Iron Woman? The stress of this election is getting to many and I've even entertained the idea of hosting a political group therapy session where we could attempt to listen to one another's point of view. This came about as I have a couple of friends who have posted many questions asking how any Christian and/or woman could support Trump. To be forth coming, I am a Christian who voted for Dr. Ben Carson and now plan to vote for Trump, and I feel my reasons are valid due to the research I have done. I know they feel theirs are valid as well. My hope is that we can really listen and be heard as well. I don't make excuses for Trump. I am a female voter who has endured sexual harassment and hurtful, ugly comments from men when I was overweight. (Not to mention disturbing comments by strange men over the years about my hair color.) I am also a survivor of rape by someone I trusted, so I can assure you I don't take Trump's or the Clintons' actions lightly. I have forgiven those who have trespassed against me because I too am in need of forgiveness. As you can see this election season has brought up many deep issues for all of us. In case your wondering why I would vote for Trump, here are seven links that sealed my decision this election year. Since these controversial candidates are left representing the two divided sides of our country, what does that really say about We The People? Hillary says, "I want to send the message. ... America is already great. But we are great because we are good, and we will respect each other." Which causes me to ask the question, are we really respecting each other and are we good or just good in our own eyes? Out of concern for all the divisive things happening in our country, I wanted to share five ways we can avoid an all out civil war in our country again. Remember the last question of the second Presidential Debate? How we all needed that refreshing moment. So please consider these five suggestions and leave any other suggestions you may have in comments section. 1) Consider for a moment what would be the worst thing the media or an internet hack could expose about you to your friends, family and the general public, if you were one of the candidates. (Don't just jump to the next suggestion, really think about this one. Have you ever lied, stolen, committed adultery, dishonored your parents, wished someone dead in your thoughts or on paper, envied someone else's success, created your own god to worship, or taken the Lord's name in vain?) I'm guilty of most. For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it. James 2:10 ESV 2) Instead of becoming jaded by the political process, try to genuinely pray for both of the candidates, and refrain from making inappropriate fun of them or of those that support them. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 2 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV 3) If you ask people who they are voting for and why, do so only with a with a sincere interest in understanding, instead of an excuse to thrive off of the heat of an argument or just to win. Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20 ESV 4) With all the racial tension, tell someone you know that their life matters to you, and thank an officer for their service. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 ESV 5) Consider asking God to reveal any hypocrisy and pride in your own life and focus more on the changes that need to happen in you rather than highlighting the faults of the candidates and their supporters? (I need help with this ALL THE TIME!) Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139:23-24 ESV After getting back from Washington D.C. last month, I realized a couple of things about both presidential candidates I appreciate. Watching Clinton (68) and Trump (70) going full throttle in this race has encouraged me to run the race and go for the dreams that God has placed in my heart. In addition, because the debates have been anything but boring, my oldest son has been interested in politics and learning how our government works. After seeing clips of the Former Secretary of State collapsing at the 911 Memorial, my heart sank for her. It was a reality check on just how fragile the most driven among us really are. I don't agree with her policies, but I don't wish ill upon her. It reminds me of how we all face challenges until that day where we don't get to participate in this life anymore. I hope for all people to find their true purpose and calling in the Lord and to give it all they have. What do you want to come out of this election? I know that I want justice, and for us as a people to honor God and each other; to no longer be at odds with one another. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, Proverbs 24:17 ESV When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Proverbs 21:15 ESV With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 ESV if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold Find me on Instagram humbleandbold Before I knew the Lord, my life was a mountain that I was going around daily. I was following the same path and doing the same thing day in and day out. I wanted to die . . . I wanted to die because of the things that I done to put Christ back on the Cross. I was in sin, adultery, and a drunk. I would party till early hours in the morning then go home then get up and go to church. I thought it was ok. I got involved with women and alcohol and one day I did not want it anymore. I had prayed and asked god to help me stop. A few days later I was at a party and went home late and got a DUI. I woke up that night in jail, and I said, "God if you can help me I won’t drink again." When I hit rock bottom I knew that the only way up was through Christ. I asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins, and to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I was not satisfied, because it seemed like the problems were still haunting me. I would visit my church at night because I felt lonely at times like no one cared. I was in a relationship where I got used and filed bankruptcy because I thought since she got sick that I could help her, but it really turned out I got played. I wanted to take my life at that point and throw it all away. I was sitting down writing out my will, because I wanted to die; then I heard a voice say, "Come to me and I will make it better." I visited many churches looking for that voice but did not find it. I had to move since I lost everything do to this relationship. I rented a room from a family that helped me get through my situation, because they just got free from the same problem. This is how God works. He sends you to people who have been set free so they can help you. After a few months with this new family and a new church, I found God. Then one day was listening to a song, and I quickly found out who was singing the song. I just started to worship and wanted a way out from where I was. My friend was reading a magazine, when the Holy Spirit told her to go and lay hands on me. I suddenly repeated what she was telling me to say, and the Power of God touched me, and I was in the floor crying and speaking in tongues for 3 and ½ hours. I was soaking wet and when I finally got off the floor and I proceeded to go to bed. After many days and months went by I can say that the Lord is a Merciful God and his Love endures forever. I started to read my bible and the scripture that was a light to me was Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my Rock, Fortress, Deliver, Strong Tower, My God, strength in which I will trust. The Lord is my Buckler, and the horn of my Salvation, and High Tower. I started claiming that daily until it became a revelation to me. Today I can say that my personal relationship with Jesus is better. There are some days though where I feel weak and not sure about things, and that’s when God will send someone to share his word with me or he comes and comforts me with his love. You may struggle in life sometimes like we all do and we will, but call on friends who you can trust to lift you up, pray for you and care about you. How you can have a personal relationship with God is: 1. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. 2. Repent of all of your sins, and forgive others. 3. Ask the Lord to create in your life a new person. 4. Go to Church and get involved. 5. Hang around other believers who will encourage you. God is a Merciful God and If you can just believe, then you can receive. To be guided in your life, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into the direction that you need. In Mark 16:7, it shows that God is a God of second chances. John 3:16 sums it up for our life, and if we can just believe and trust in the Lord, we will be saved. Thank you Henry for sharing your walk! With Love,
Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold Find me on Instagram humbleandbold ![]() My friend and creative mom genius, Julie, throws some of the best birthday parties in our neighborhood, and I love seeing what she comes up with year after year. The theme this year was Angry Birds which included their rivals, the green repugnant pigs. Together you could have some verde eggs and ham, but I digress. Approaching the party, one could almost audibly hear every caw, cluck and cackle upon arrival to an array of indignant birds hanging out in the shady trees. Julie downloaded and printed out bird and pig faces and then pasted the bird faces to themed colored paper plates, and the pig faces to matching colored cups. The birds might have been angry and the pigs put in their place, but the guests were impressed and happy! Below are some pics of the party scene. Unsuspecting Angry Bird piñata got a taste of his own medicine when he took some pretty hard hits by many excited children. Julie made her own deliciously decorated cupcakes and her dad clamped a hand made sling for a stuffed angry bird to be slung into a stack of green cups with pig faces on the front. Again, I could hear those obnoxious pigs laughing and snorting but it was not for long! The adults, along with the children, had a blast slinging their squawking angry bird in the mist of those mocking pigs and watching them fall down. This game was a big hit! Instead of party bags, every child received their very own stuffed Angry Bird; which cut down on all the party favors that usually end up spread out all over house and vehicle. They serve as a fun soft memory; just remind children they cannot be thrown in car while mom or dad is driving home. (That didn't happen with the Angry Bird, but we did have a large stuffed penguin fly at us from the backseat one time.) Good reminder for children in learning car safety rules and for us; we learned that penguins can indeed fly if they are thrown, but again, I digress. These crafted decorations where bright, comical and added the perfect touch to the Angry Bird themed birthday party. They were easy to assemble with a short supply list: red and yellow, black and white paper plates, twine, hole puncher, paste and cut out printable faces (lots of free downloadable pics to choose in google search). Special thanks to my friend, Julie, for allowing me to share her creative ideas with humble and bold's readers. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and peaceful chirping to you! With Love, Christina Stay humble & be BOLD! "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19 To check out my testimony click here
To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold Find me on Instagram humbleandbold |
About ChristinaChristina is an ![]() There are some links on my humble & BOLD site that are affiliate links, which means I receive a small compensation if you purchase the product or service. The compensation will in no way influence the content, posts or topics made on this blog. I only link to products that are highly rated and that I feel would be of benefit to my readers.
August 2024