Pleased to announce that a story, close to eighty years in the making, is finally being released and shared with the world.
While World War II is changing the world in major ways, a young boy named Roger finds himself in a different kind of fight—a battle within himself—as he tries to muster up the courage to sample a bite of cheesecake. Yes, that’s right, cheesecake. You see, Roger can't understand how cheese, regularly eaten in his favorite grilled sandwiches, could possibly taste good in cake. He is quite disturbed that others not only find this oddity acceptable but also say it’s delicious. The Little Boy Who Wouldn’t Eat Cheesecake inspires picky eaters and young readers, ages 4-9, to try new things and encourages conversation with older family members and friends about foods they didn't like in childhood (or, at least, thought they didn’t like) and what happened when they actually tried the foods for themselves.
A timely book about a preconceived notion being challenged and overcome
before it’s too late.
"Reading this story led us to a special conversation with our Poppa about the art of storytelling and enjoying his stories over and over again just as the characters in The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake. The way the author infused the lesson of trying new things before it's too late is beautifully written. You're sure to enjoy this delightful book!" --Kid Explorer "The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake is a delightful and colorful story set in the 1940's of a boy who detests the idea of eating cheesecake. He soon discovers it’s okay to try new things. As you read this whimsical tale you will immediately make connections with the characters. Perfect as a read aloud for young children during bedtime or can be treasured as a favorite reader for older children." --Dr. Valerie Harrison, author of The Great Fish
Check out what Arlene from Paperback Mom shared on her blog.
Ebook available now. Paperback and hardcover coming this July.
Would like to ask prayers for tomorrow's leap of faith launch. Felt God's leading, right before 2020, that it was time to get my children's book ready to release. Keep in mind, it's been close to 14 years since I started writing it. And never, and I mean NEVER, would I have thought (leaning on my own understand) that it would be a good idea to launch during a global pandemic, hurting economy, painful injustices and nation wide rioting. BUT, it seems like I'm constantly learning that God's timing is not my own. Knowing this book was about so much more than cheesecake, that it was about a preconceived notion being challenged and overcome before it's too late, I feel God saying the timing is now, and I'm trusting that voice. Praying God uses this story beyond what I could imagine or think. Tomorrow we are officially launching the ebook version of The Little Boy Who Wouldn't Eat Cheesecake. Please consider covering this book in prayer, and If you would like be on that mailing list, please subscribe. Thank you so much.
Wanted to share something amazing that happened this week. On Wednesday (June 10th and this part is important) The Little Boy Who Wouldn’t Eat Cheesecake was uploaded to KDP, since they advise that it can take anywhere up to 72 hours to upload. Later that night, we noticed that it was already showing up on Amazon, but the ebook publication date shown was JUNE 9th which was a day earlier than when the files where submitted. I thought that was odd and stared at that date, then realized the significance -- June 9, 1989 is day my mother died, 31 years ago.
Now, what you probably don’t know is that I had written my first children’s book manuscript, right after she died, to help young children deal with the loss of a parent, since my brother was only six years old at the time. The story of that manuscript, in and of itself, is to me, almost tragic but with a painful lesson learned (and I know I shouldn’t leave it there, but will have to share that tale another time). Anyway, all that to say, I feel like that specific date showing up was a sweet reminder from God, that he knows our dreams and heartaches, and that He cares more than we ever imagined. I love the above picture. God’s word (Hebrews 12) says we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, and I know many of us have loved ones in that cloud, cheering us on.
Official Pub date for hardcover will be July 2nd in honor of my grandfather, M.G. Walker, Jr., who fought during World War II, the era in which the story takes place. The ebook launch will be Monday, June 15th, but you can order your ebook today. And if you enjoy reviewing children's books, your online review would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and sharing in this journey.
Imagine you’re headed to the beach, only this time you’re traveling through rough waters in a recently washed out landing craft, only to be met with a barrage of artillery - the day, Tuesday, June 6, 1944. The odds, like the enemy, are against you. Surrounded by the mixed sounds of explosions, agonizing cries, crashing waves, and your own heartbeat racing as you run with adrenaline shot legs across the crimson stained, sandy shores piled with fallen brothers, you continue towards a seemingly impossible task. Working together, the goal is accomplished but not without great cost. In honor of those young men who fought for our country, I ask that we take time to think about where we are now as a nation. Please pray for the people of this country, our police force and President. Dealing with a global pandemic, a hurting economy, injustice and rioting, please realize we are all going through a difficult time and need to do what we can to help each other. Continued prayers for clear vision in 2020 to have wisdom and discernment and to fight the real enemy, not each other.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. - Psalm 51:10 (NIV) With love, Christina Stay humble & BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 Thanks for stopping by! Please share, subscribe and comment below. To check out my testimony click here Let's get connected! Instagram @humbleandbold Facebook Humble & Bold Twitter Christina @humble_bold Pinterest humble&BOLD by Christina Youtube Humble & Bold Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV) With love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! |
About ChristinaChristina is an There are some links on my humble & BOLD site that are affiliate links, which means I receive a small compensation if you purchase the product or service. The compensation will in no way influence the content, posts or topics made on this blog. I only link to products that are highly rated and that I feel would be of benefit to my readers.
August 2024