This past Sunday, I finished writing a screenplay set in 1938, Nazi controlled Germany, just one year before the onset of WWII. I had several deadlines that I had set up to keep me on track, but had also been praying about the perfect timing of it as well. That night, before we went to bed, we had a perfect view of the blood moon. It wasn't till early, the next morning, that I realized I had finished the screenplay on eve of a blood moon. In fact, we viewed it turning red before midnight. The significance of that played out later for me this week. An important note, Sunday's blood moon happened to be on Tu BiShvat, The New Year of the Trees. It was the last of three blood moons in a row on Tu BiShvat: in 2017, 2018 and 2019. This year, it will be followed by five meteor showers, four falling on Jewish holy days. More interesting info on this can be found in the book, The Sign of the Son, by Mike Spidle. This little girl, walking for life in pink sneakers while holding her father's protective hand, touches my heart. - Georgia Right to Life March - Tuesday, January 22, 2019. The screenplay is about a young woman in the South traveling to Nuremberg to see family on her mother's side and touches on the parallels she sees between racism in America and Nazi controlled Germany. She notices how propaganda, peer pressure and steady methodical political progression sway the average German citizen to look the other way and to justify the mistreatment and genocide the Jewish people. Many Germans were not on board with the Nazi agenda, but over time, many became worn down by the persistence and continual threats of an evil regime. I can't help but see the parallels in how our society today is looking the other way and making justifications for killing the most innocent among us. Have we learned nothing from the Civil Rights Movement and the Holocaust? Activist, Catherine Davis, founder and president of The Restoration Project, spoke right before the march, about how the black community has been targeted by Planned Parenthood, and she seeks to see them held accountable for the genocide of her people . . . our brothers and sisters. According to it's definition by Merriam-Webster, genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group. Davis often partners with the National Black Prolife Coalition, the Network of Politically Active Christians, and the Frederick Douglas Foundation in an ongoing effort to educate Americans about the issues that are impacting the Black community. In my eyes, she ranks right up there with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in her outspokenness on injustice and encouraging Christians to act. Her goal is for the removal of the Office of Population Affairs and Planned Parenthood. Click here to see her speak at The Lincoln Memorial with friend, Dr. Alveda King. Here are two important links, Catherine Davis provides, in which you can easily take action. You can find the petition to abolish the Office of Population Affairs here: And the petition to prosecute Planned Parenthood for genocide here: After New York's Governor Cuomo passed The Reproductive Health Act that same day, my heart grieved along with many others. The name of the act sounds innocent enough, but what was passed truly leaves many shaking their heads. If you think you are pro-choice and made it this far, I thank you for your willingness to read this post. I have found that most people who are in favor of abortion, have not seen videos or illustrations of what actually happens. This video will explain the different procedures used and risks to the mother. After the silent march, my friend asked me what I thought the blood moon represents and I responded with, "I'm not exactly sure. Blood moons happen, but when they happen on Jewish holy days or other festivals, I believe God is sending a message and we need to pay attention." Right before posting this, the Lord brought this verse in Deuteronomy to mind. The God of Israel says this, "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV (New International Version) If you've had one or multiple abortions, please know you are loved. Need encouragement, listen to Jean's story here.
To all my Christian friends, please don't look the other way. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 (ESV) Christina Stay humble & BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold On Pinterest at humble&BOLD by Christina
1/25/2019 09:10:31 am
This was fascinating to read. How interesting about the blood moon and the timing of this tragic news this week. I love the verse you quoted in Deut. at the end. Wow!! What a correlation to what’s going on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
1/25/2019 11:37:52 am
What many don't know or realize is the impact having an abortion has on the mother. While a mother who makes that decision may not have fully processed that they are pregnant, they think once it is done, they can move on. Most people don't talk about the aftermath of abortion. While some think they can just move on, many suffer with some physical issues as a result. It can be short time and it can long term. It can also mean they may never have children again, even when it may be more acceptable and/or convenient. Some people have died after having an abortion. Others may suffer from depression or anxiety or even other issues. And it is something they have to live with the rest of their lives. Some of those mothers think about the due date, days, week, months and even years later, thoughts like, "I could be having my baby now." "My child could be two weeks old now, four months old, a year, 30 years old now, etc." While they may not talk about it with anyone else, it is there. This can happen whether they are a Christian or not. May be they weren't a Christian when they had the abortion and later they are. Jesus died on the cross for those moms who made that poor decision. Sometimes teens are forced into by their parents or the father's parent. So, it's not always a decision they made for themselves. The decision was made for them. Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." That includes those politicians who passed it. While it makes me and many others mad, sad, grieving and many other strong emotions for the bill NY just passed. I'm praying for God to reveal Himself to all of them, for hearts to be pierced and softened, with eyes to see and ears to hear. Because right now, they can't see what we see. They can't hear what we hear. They don't understand or value humans the same way many of us do even at the time of conception.
This whole abortion thing is heartbreaking. It seems unbelievable that a human being created by God will take the stance that the New York governor and all his supporters have taken on the matter. It just shows the times we're in when God will have to pass judgment , just like in the days of Noah when human wickedness became so great that God couldn't bear it anymore. 😢
Terri, thank you for commenting. It really should make one pause and ponder when we see these events happening on Jewish holy days and festivals. The true living God is revealing himself through the heavens He created. You might want to check out The Star of Bethlehem on YouTube.
1/26/2019 04:45:55 pm
I am so grieved that abortion is even easier to get than before. In Texas, the school nurse has to have a written note stating my daughter can have motrin for cramps. Ridiculous!
1/26/2019 06:28:52 pm
Not only do you have to have a written note stating that your child can have a motrin or tylenol or aspirin at school, but you have to turn in a signed form with instructions of when to give it. As the parent, you have to go into the school and provide the bottle at that same time. At the end of the year, if you don't go sign it out and pick it up, they will dispose of it. So, that is two separate trips to the school, if nothing else, but just to take in ibuprofen, tylenol or any other OTC medicine.
Melanie, thank you for commenting. It really does boggle the mind that parents have so many hoops to jump through at school, concerning the welfare of our children, yet they could have a major medical procedure and parents not be aware. According to Planned Parenthood's website, it looks like thirteen states have a no parental involvement requirement, and the other states have where a judge can excuse an underage minor from parental requirements. Leave a Reply. |
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