Upon picking up my five year old son early from VBS, I walked through the impressively decorated hallway and was invited in to hear the closing comments made by one of the leaders wearing a mining outfit, complete with hard hat to go along with the VBS Cave Quest theme. Clearly, the children had been having a wonderful time, singing and playing with glow sticks exploring man made caves, but they soon quieted down to hear what their lead miner had to share. He talked about the verse in Proverbs 3:5-6 that says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." He went on to explain about a time in his life when he was very afraid and called out to the Lord. He delicately explained that while he was serving in the military, in Iraq, that he felt out of place being Asian and away from home. On one of their missions, they were headed down a road and were not to make any stops. However, the enemy had led children out onto the roadway. When he saw the children, he called out to God and said, "Lord, what do I do?" He then heard a voice reply back to him saying, "Starbursts!" He quickly opened up a bag of Starbursts that he had just received in a care package for serving in the United States military and threw the candy to the side of the road. The children rushed off the road to get the Starbursts and were happy and best of all safe! The U.S. caravan was able to continue on the road without any injuries to the children. It makes my heart happy that this man would not only serve our Country, but has a humble heart to serve children in VBS. Just found out today, that he is a pastor and police officer too. Now, I may not a big advocate for candy, but after hearing this story I will always smile when I see a Starburst! Hope this story encourages you the way it did me! With Love,
Christina Stay humble & BOLD! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 To check out my testimony click here To like my facebook page click here Find me on twitter @humble_bold
7/22/2016 07:32:01 pm
awwww ... what a great story! And how blessed you are to have him leading your kids!
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August 2024